Make Your Diary With Notepad

Posted by Frans Enriko Siregar On 0 komentar
Are you one who like writing your experience or daily life in a book? Like diary? If you do this with hand-writing, so you have to write the date when you experience something manually. Here I want to share something that may be makes you easier to write a diary. This time, you don't...

Transform Your Picture into Letter

Posted by Frans Enriko Siregar On 0 komentar
Surely you'd ever seen a picture that's drawn in letters. Usually, we can see them in Facebook. That's really unique I think. Have you ever thought how to make that picture? Did you think someone arrange those letters one by one? May be YES may be NO. And have you ever thought that you...

Second Payment From OnBux

Posted by Frans Enriko Siregar On 0 komentar
Finally I got the second payment from OnBux, after I'd ever got the first one before. I felt doubt because the issue said OnBux has been a scam PTC. Many members said they didn't paid. I just can click it agan and again waiting until I got the minimum Pay Out. After I got that, I clicked...
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