By the way, this is my first post in 2011. Hehehe... I have too many blogs and I am focus in another blog, so this time I wanna post something that makes me happy. It's AdsenseCamp Indonesia; a site that will pay us if visitors click their ads we install in our blog. Or many people say as Pay Per Click (PPC).
Actually, I'm not paid a lot. But shortly, I feel happy because at least I can earn from my blog. It was March 3rd, I was paid Rp 13.800 (app. $1.4). It's transferred to my bank account. This is the payment screenshot :
I hope, for the next time I'll be paid again and more and faster. If You wanna join this PPC, You can join with me by clicking this banner below.
5 komentar:
selamat,.. selamat,..
moga-moga ke depan lebih banyak kas yang masuk,.
dari dulu pengen belajar ngeblog ga jadi-jadi mulu nih,.. haha :D
haha.. thanks thanks rey,,
gw juga ngeblog dri 2010 gak pinter2,, :D
selamat yahh.
saya jadi pengen dapet duit juga dari ngeblog :)
thank you...
ikutan aja yang seperti ini, pasti dapet kok :D
wah mantab kang. ehhee.. punya ane blm nambah2 he..
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